Parabola (S .N. Dey ) | Ex-4 | Part-2

In the previous article , we have solved 6 Long Answer Type Questions of Parabola Chapter. In this article, we have solved 6 more Long answer type questions of Parabola Chapter (Ex-4) of S.N.Dey mathematics, Class 11.

Parabola, S N Dey Mathematics, Class 11

7.~ Show that the product of the ordinates of the ends of a focal chord of the parabola ~y^2 = 4ax~ is constant.


We know that the co-ordinates of extremities of the focal chord are  ~(at^2,2at)~ and ~(a/t^2,-2a/t).

So, the product of the ordinates

=2at \times  \left (\frac{-2a}{t} \right)=-4a^2=\text{constant.}

8.~  If a straight line passing through the focus of the parabola ~y^2=4ax~ intersects the parabola at the points ~(x_1,y_1)~ and ~(x_2, y_2)~ then prove that, ~y_1y_2+4x_1x_2=0.


Let ~(x_1,y_1) \equiv(at_1^2,2at_1),~~(x_2,y_2)=(at_2^2,2at_2).

Since the chord of the given parabola passes through the focus ~(a,0)~ i.e., the chord is the focal chord.

So, ~t_1t_2=-1.

\therefore~~ y_1y_2+4x_1x_2\\=(2at_1)(2at_2)+4 \cdot (at_1^2)(at_2^2)\\=4a^2 \cdot t_1t_2+ 4a^2 \cdot t_1^2t_2^2 \\=4a^2(-1)+4a^2(-1)^2\\=-4a^2+4a^2\\=0.

9.~ Find the equation of the circle passing through the origin and the foci of the parabolas ~y^2 = 8x~ and ~x^2 = 24y.


The given equations of parabolas are 

~y^2=8x=4 \times 2 \times x \rightarrow(1), \\ x^2=24y =4 \times 6 \times y \rightarrow(2).

The focus of the parabola ~(1)~ is ~(2,0)~ and that of ~(2)~ is ~(0,6).

Let the equation of the circle be

~x^2+y^2+2gx+2fy+c=0 \rightarrow(3)

Since the circle ~(3)~ passes through the points ~(0,0),~(2,0),~(0,6)~, so

~0+0+0+0+c=0 \Rightarrow c=0 ,\\~ 2^2+0+2g \times 2+0+0=0 \Rightarrow g=-\frac 44=-1, \\~ 0+6^2+0+2f \times 6+0=0 \Rightarrow f=-\frac{36}{12}=-3.

Hence, the equation of the required circle is

x^2+y^2+2 \times (-1) x+2 \times (-3)y=0 \\ \text{or,}~~x^2+y^2-2x-6y=0.

10.~ Find the equation of the circle on ~SC~ as diameter, where ~S~ is the focus of y^2 = 12x~ and ~C~ is the centre of ~x^2+ y^2-18x-16y+45= 0.~ Also find the length of the chord of the circle lying along the x- axis.


The co-ordinates of the focus ~(S)~ of the parabola ~y^2=12x=4 \times 3 \times x~ are ~(3,0).~ 

The centre ~(C)~ of the given circle ~x^2+y^2-18x-16y+45=0~ is ~(9,8).

Now, the equation of the circle having diameter with extremities ~S(3,0)~ and ~C(9,8)~ is 

~(x-3)(x-9)+(y-0)(y-8)=0 \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2+y^2-12x-8y+27=0.

So, the length of the chord of the circle lying along the ~x- axis is

=2\sqrt{6^2-27}=2\times \sqrt{9}=6~~\text{unit}. 

11.~~ Q~ is any point on the parabola ~y^2 = 4ax;~ QN~ is the ordinate of ~Q~ and ~P~ is the mid-point of ~QN.~ Prove that the locus of ~P~ is a parabola whose latus rectum is one-fourth that of the given parabola.


Parabola-S N Dey Math Solution, Class 11

Let ~Q(at^2,2at)~ be any point on the parabola ~y^2=4ax.

Since ~QN~ is the ordinate of ~Q~,~~Q \equiv(at^2,0).

Also, let ~P \equiv (h,k),~ where ~P~ is the mid-point of ~QN.

\therefore~~ h=at^2\rightarrow(1),~k=at \Rightarrow t=k/a \rightarrow(2)

From ~(1),~(2)~ we get

~ h=a(k/a)^2=\frac{k^2}{a} \\ \text{or,}~~ k^2=ah. 

The locus of ~P~ is ~y^2=ax~ which represents the equation of a parabola.

The length of the latus rectum ~=a=\frac 14 \times 4a= One-fourth the length of the given parabola.

12.~ Find the equation of the circle drawn on the line-segment joining the foci of the two parabolas ~x^2=4ay~ and ~y^2=4a(x-a)~ as diameter.


The focus ~(S_1) of the parabola ~x^2=4ay~ is ~(0,a)~ and the focus ~(S_2)~ of the parabola ~y^2=4a(x-a)~ is ~(2a,0).

Now the equation of the circle drawn on the line-segment joining the foci ~(0,a)~  and ~(2a,0)~ is 

~(x-0)(x-2a)+(y-a)(y-0)=0 \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2+y^2-2ax-ay=0. 

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