Parabola (S .N. Dey ) | Ex-4 | Part-1

In this article, we have solved 6 Long answer type questions of Parabola Chapter (Ex-4) of S.N.Dey mathematics, Class 11.

Parabola-S N Dey math Solution, Class 11

1(i)~ Find the equation of the parabola whose vertex is ~(2, 3)~ and the equation of latus rectum is ~x=4.~ Find the co-ordinates of the point of intersection of this parabola with its latus rectum.


Parabola- S N Dey Mathematics

The equation of the straight line passing through the point ~(2,3)~ and perpendicular to ~x=4~ is ~y=4.

So, the co-ordinates of the focus of the parabola are ~(4,3).

\therefore~ 2+a=4 \Rightarrow a=2.

So, the required equation of parabola is ~(y-3)^2=8(x-2).

Now, the co-ordinates of the point of intersection of the parabola with its latus rectum are given by ~(2+2, 3+2\times 2)=(4,7)~ and ~(2+2,3-2\times 2)=(4,-1).

(ii)~ The co-ordinates of the two ends of latus rectum of a parabola are ~(8, 1)~ and ~(-4, 1);~ find the equation of the parabola.


Since the ordinates of the extremities of the latus rectum are equal, so the latus rectum is parallel to ~x-axis and the axis of the parabola is parallel to the ~y-axis.

So, the equation of latus rectum is ~y=1,~ and co-ordinates of focus are given by the mid-point of ~(-4,1)~ and ~(8,1)~ which are ~\left(\frac{8-4}{2},\frac{1+1}{2}\right)=(2,1).

Let the axis of the parabola be ~x=k(\neq 0)~ which passes through ~(2,1).~ So, the axis of the parabola is ~x=2.

~\text{Now,}~4a\\=~\text{length of the latus rectum}\\=\sqrt{(8+4)^2+(1-1)^2}\\=12 \\ \therefore~ a=\frac{12}{4}=3.

The co-ordinates of the vertex of parabola can be ~(2,1+a)=(2,1+3)=(2,4)~ and another possible co-ordinates of the vertex of the parabola can be ~(2,1-a)=(2,1-3)=(2,-2).

So, the equation of the parabola with vertex ~(2,-2)~ is

(x-2)^2=4 \times 3(y+2) \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2-4x+4=12y+24 \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2-4x-12y=20.

Again, the equation of the parabola with vertex ~(2,4)~ is

~ (x-2)^2=-12(y-4) \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2-4x+4=-12y+48 \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2-4x+12y=44.

2.~  Find the equation of the parabola whose vertex is ~(-2, 2)~ and focus is ~(-6, -6).


The equation of the axis of the parabola is the straight line joining the points ~(-6,-6)~ and ~(-2,2)~ and is given by 

~\frac{y-2}{-6-2}=\frac{x+2}{-6+2} \\ \text{or,}~~ \frac{y-2}{-8}=\frac{x+2}{-4} \\ \text{or,}~~ \frac 12(y-2)=x+2 \\ \text{or,}~~ y-2=2(x+2) \\ \text{or,}~~ 2x-y+6=0 \rightarrow(1)

The equation of the directrix which is perpendicular to the straight line ~(1)~ is ~~x+2y=k \rightarrow(2)

Now, the co-ordinates of the focus ~(S)\equiv (-6,-6),~ the co-ordinates of the vertex ~(A)\equiv (-2,2).

Let the point of intersection of the axis of the parabola and the directrix be ~N(p,q).

Since ~A~ is the mid-point of ~S~ and ~N~, so 

~\frac{-6+p}{2}=-2 \Rightarrow p=2,~~\frac{-6+q}{2}=2 \Rightarrow q=10.

\therefore~ N \equiv (2,10).

Since the straight line ~(2)~ passes through ~(2,10),~

~2 + 2\times 10=k \Rightarrow k=22. 

Hence by ~(2),~ we get the equation of the directrix ~ x+2y=22.

Let ~P(x,y)~ be any point on the parabola.

 ~PM \\= \text{length of the perpendicular from P upon the directrix}\\=\frac{|x+2y-22|}{\sqrt{1^2+2^2}}\\=\frac{|x+2y-22|}{\sqrt{5}}.

Since ~P~ lies on the required parabola, hence we must have 

~\overline{SP}=\overline{PM} \\ \text{or,}~~ SP^2=PM^2 \\ \text{or,}~~ (x+6)^2+(y+6)^2=\frac 15 (x+2y-22)^2 \\ \text{or,}~~ 5[(x+6)^2+(y+6)^2]=(x+2y-22)^2\rightarrow(3)

Hence, ~(3)~ represents the required equation of parabola.

3~. The directrix of a parabola is ~x+y+4=0~ and vertex is the point ~(-1, -1).~ Find ~(i)~ the position of focus and ~(ii)~ the equation of the parabola. [Council Sample Question ‘13]


The equation of the directrix of the parabola is ~x+y+4=0 \rightarrow(1).

The axis of the parabola is perpendicular to the directrix and is passing through the vertex ~A(-1,-1).

The equation of any straight line perpendicular to ~(1),~ can be written as ~ x-y=k \rightarrow(2).

Since the straight line ~(2)~ is passing through  the point ~(-1,-1)~,

~-1-(-1)=k \Rightarrow k=0.

So, by ~(2),~  we get the equation of the axis of the parabola which is ~x-y=0 \rightarrow(3).

Solving ~(1)~ and ~(3)~, we get ~x=-2,~~y=-2.

So, the point of intersection of the axis of parabola and the directrix is ~N(-2,-2).

Let ~~S(p,q)~ be the focus of the parabola and ~A(-1,-1)~ be the mid-point of ~N~ and ~S.

\therefore~\frac{p-2}{2}=-1 \Rightarrow p=0,~~\frac{q-2}{2}=-1 \Rightarrow q=0.

So, ~S\equiv (0,0).

Let ~P~ be any point on the parabola and ~PM~ is the perpendicular distance from ~P~ upon the directrix.

\therefore~\overline{SP}=\overline{PM} \\ \text{or,}~~ SP^2=PM^2 \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2+y^2=\left[\frac{x+y+4}{\sqrt{1^2+1^2}}\right]^2 \\ \text{or,}~~ 2(x^2+y^2)=(x+y+4)^2 \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2+y^2-2xy-8x-8y-16=0\rightarrow(4).

The equation ~(4)~ represents the required parabola.

4(i)~ The axis of a parabola is parallel to ~x-axis and it passes through the points ~(2, 0), (1, -1) and (6, -2);~ find its equation.


Since the axis of the parabola is parallel to ~x-axis, the equation of the parabola can be written as ~~x=ay^2+by+c \rightarrow(1)

Since the parabola ~(1)~ is passing through ~(2,0),

~2=0+0+c \Rightarrow c=2. \\ \therefore~ x=ay^2+by+2 \rightarrow (2)

Now, the parabola ~(2)~ is passing through the points ~(1,-1)~ and ~(6,-2).

\therefore~ 1=a(-1)^2+b(-1)+2 \\ \text{or,}~~ a-b=-1 \rightarrow(3)

~6=a(-2)^2+b(-2)+2 \\ \text{or,}~~ 6=4a-2b+2 \\ \text{or,}~~ 3=2a-b+1 \\ \text{or,}~~ 2a-b=2 \rightarrow(4)

From ~(3)~ and ~(4)~ we get,

~(2a-b)-(a-b)=2-(-1) \Rightarrow a=3.

\therefore~ 3-b=-1~~[\text{By (3)}] \\ \text{or,}~~ b=3+1=4.

Hence, the equation of the required parabola is ~~x=3y^2+4y+2.

(ii)~ A parabola passes through the points ~(0, 0), (2, 2) and (-2, -6)~ and its axis is parallel to y- axis. Find its equation.


By the question, since the axis of the parabola is parallel to ~y- axis , the equation of the parabola can be written as  ~y=ax^2+bx+c \rightarrow(1)

Since the parabola ~(1)~ passes through the point ~(0,0)~,

~0=0+0+c \Rightarrow c=0.

So, equation ~(1),~ can be written as ~y=ax^2+bx \rightarrow(2)

Since the parabola ~(2)~ passes through the points ~(2,2)~ and ~(-2,-6),

~2=a\times 2^2+b \times 2 \Rightarrow 1=2a+b \rightarrow(3)

-6=a(-2)^2+b(-2) \\ \text{or,}~~ -6=4a-2b \\ \text{or,}~~  -3=2a-b\rightarrow(4)

From ~(3)~ and ~(4),~ we get

1-3=(2a+b)+(2a-b)  \\ \text{or,}~~ -2=4a  \\ \text{or,}~~  a=-\frac 24=-\frac 12.

So, ~ 1=2(-1/2)+b \Rightarrow b=2.

Hence, the equation of the parabola is 

~y=-\frac 12 \cdot x^2+2x \\ \text{or,}~~ 2y=-x^2+4x \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2-4x+2y=0.

5(i)~ If the extremities of a focal chord of the parabola ~y^2=4ax~ be ~(at_1^2, 2at_1)~ and ~(at_2^2, 2at_2)~, prove that ~t_1t_2=-1.


The equation of the focal chord joining the points ~(at_1^2,2at_1)~ and ~(at_2^2,2at_2)~ is 

~ y-2at_1=\frac{2at_2-2at_1}{at_2^2-at_1^2} (x-at_1^2) \\ \text{or,}~~ y-at_1=\frac{2a(t_2-t_1)}{a(t_2+t_1)(t_2-t_1)} (x-at_1^2) \\ \text{or,}~~ y-2at_1=\frac{2}{t_2+t_1}(x-at_1^2) \rightarrow(1)

Since the focal chord ~(1)~ passes through the point ~(a,0),

~0-2at_1=\frac{2}{t_1+t_2}(a-at_1^2) \\ \text{or,}~~ -2at_1=\frac{2a(1-t_1^2)}{t_1+t_2} \\ \text{or,}~~ -t_1=\frac{1}{t_1+t_2}(1-t_1^2) \\ \text{or,}~~ -t_1(t_1+t_2)=1-t_1^2 \\ \text{or,}~~ -t_1^2-t_1t_2=1-t_1^2 \\ \text{or,}~~ t_1t_2=-1.

(ii)~ If ~(at^2,2at)~ be the co-ordinates of an extremity of a focal chord of the parabola ~y^2=4ax,~ the show that the length of the chord is ~a\left(t+\frac 1t\right)^2.


If (at^2,2at)~ be the co-ordinates of an extremity of a focal chord of the parabola, another extremity is ~(a/t^2,-2a/t)~~[\because tt_1=-1]

So, the length of the chord is

=\sqrt{(at^2-a/t^2)^2+(2at+2a/t)^2}~~\text{unit}\\=\sqrt{a^2(t^2-1/t^2)^2+4a^2(t+1/t)^2} ~~\text{unit} \\=\sqrt{a^2(t+1/t)^2(t-1/t)^2+4a^2(t+1/t)^2} ~~\text{unit} \\=a(t+1/t)\sqrt{(t-1/t)^2+4} ~~\text{unit}\\=a(t+1/t)\sqrt{(t-1/t)^2+4 \cdot t \cdot 1/t} ~~\text{unit}\\=a(t+1/t) \sqrt{(t+1/t)^2} ~~\text{unit}\\=a(t+1/t)(t+1/t) ~~\text{unit} \\=a(t+1/t)^2 ~~\text{unit}

6.~ Show that the equation of the chord of the parabola ~y^2=4ax~ through the points ~(x_1,y_1)~ and ~(x_2,y_2)~ on it is ~(y-y_1)(y-y_2)=y^2-4ax.


Since the points ~(x_1,y_1)~ and ~(x_2,y_2)~ lie on the parabola ~y^2=4ax,~ so

~y_1^2=4ax_1 \rightarrow(1),~~y_2^2=4ax_2\rightarrow(2)

From ~(1)~ and ~(2)~ we get,

~y_1^2-y_2^2=4a(x_1-x_2) \\ \text{or,}~~ (y_1+y_2)(y_1-y_2)=4a(x_1-x_2)  \\ \text{or,}~~\frac{y_1-y_2}{x_1-x_2}=\frac{4a}{y_1+y_2} \rightarrow(3)

The equation of the straight line joining  the points ~(x_1,y_1)~ and ~(x_2,y_2)~ is 

\frac{y-y_1}{x-x_1}=\frac{y_1-y_2}{x_1-x_2} \\ \text{or,}~~ \frac{y-y_1}{x-x_1}=\frac{4a}{y_1+y_2}~~[\text{By (3)}] \\ \text{or,}~~ (y_1+y_2)y-(y_1+y_2)y_1=4a(x-x_1) \\ \text{or,}~~ y^2-(y_1+y_2)y+y_1y_2+y_1^2=4ax_1-4ax+y^2 \\ \text{or,}~~ (y-y_1)(y-y_2)=y^2-4ax ~~[\text{By (1)}]

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