SN Dey Solution For class 12 Differentiation | অবকলন বা অন্তরকলন

SN Dey Solution For class 12 Differentiation | অবকলন বা অন্তরকলন
SN Dey Solution For class 12 Differentiation | অবকলন বা অন্তরকলন

SN Dey Solution For class 12 Differentiation | অবকলন বা অন্তরকলন

Differentiation is a vital concept in mathematics that is used extensively in a wide range of fields, including physics, economics, engineering, and more. It involves the study of the rate at which a function changes. Specifically, it deals with how small changes in one variable of a function lead to corresponding changes in the other variable, given that the function is continuous.

The process of differentiation involves finding the derivative of a function. The derivative of a function can be thought of as the rate at which the output of the function is changing with respect to its input. It is the slope of the tangent line at any point on a curve. The concept of the derivative is closely linked to the concept of limit which is fundamental to calculus.

Differentiation is used in many real-world applications, for example, in physics, it is used to calculate velocity, acceleration, and force, while in finance, it is used in calculating marginal revenue and inverse demand curves. In engineering, differentiation is used in designing control systems and in signal processing.

Differentiation can be performed using various methods, including the power rule, product rule, quotient rule, and chain rule. Each of these methods provides a useful tool for differentiating a wide range of functions. However, the process of differentiation can often be challenging, especially for complex functions, and requires a solid understanding of calculus and its associated concepts, such as limits and continuity.

In conclusion, differentiation is a fundamental concept in mathematics that plays a key role in many real-world applications. It provides a powerful tool for analyzing and modeling dynamic systems by providing information about the rate at which functions change. A good understanding of differentiation is essential for anyone seeking to study or work in fields where mathematical modeling is required.

In this article , we will discuss the complete solution of Differentiation Chapter in S N Dey Mathematics , class 12.

Long Answer Type Questions | Exercise -3A

Differentiation (Part-1) | S N De Question No 1 and 2
Differentiation (Part-2) | S N De Question No 3 ( i- v )
Differentiation (Part-3) | S N De Question No 3 ( vi- x )
Differentiation (Part-4) | S N De Question No 4 ( i- vi )
Differentiation ( Part-5 ) | S N De Question No 4 (vii- xi )
Differentiation (Part-6) | S N De Question No 5 to 11
Differentiation (Part-7) | S N De Question No 12 to 17
Differentiation (Part-8) | S N De Question No 18 to 22


In this book, full solutions of S.N. De – Differentiation (Eng. Version) have been solved. This book contains solutions of Ex-3A(excluding MCQ). This book contains 123 pages along with a cover page .

Short answer type questions | Exercise -3A

Differentiation (Part-9) | S N De Question No – 1 ( i-vi )
Differentiation (Part-10) | S N De Question No – 2 to 4 ( i-v )
Differentiation (Part-11) | S N De Question No – 4 ( vi – xvi )
Differentiation (Part-12) | S N De Question No – 4 ( xvii-xx )+5 ( i-iii )
Differentiation (Part-13) | S N De Question No – 5 ( iv-x )
Differentiation (Part-14) | S N De Question No – 6 ( i-vi )
Differentiation (Part-15) | S N De Question No – 7 ( i-iv )
Differentiation (Part-16) | S N De Question No – 8 ( i-v )
Differentiation (Part-17) | S N De Question No – 9-13
Differentiation (Part-18) | S N De Question No – 14-16
Differentiation (Part-19) | S N De Question No – 17-19

Very Short answer type questions | Exercise -3A

Differentiation (Part-20) | S N De Question No – 1-6
Differentiation (Part-21) | S N De Question No – 7-8
Differentiation (Part-22) | S N De Question No – 9
Differentiation (Part-23) | S N De Question No – 10
Differentiation (Part-24) | S N De Question No – 11-12
Differentiation (Part-25) | S N De Question No – 13
Differentiation (Part-26) | S N De Question No – 14
Differentiation (Part-27) | S N De Question No – 15-17
Differentiation (Part-28) | S N De Question No – 18
Differentiation (Part-29) | S N De Question No – 19-20

Short answer type questions | Exercise -3B

Differentiation (Part-30) | S N De Question No – 1-4
Differentiation (Part-31) | S N De Question No – 5-8
Differentiation (Part-32) | S N De Question No – 9-11
Differentiation (Part-33) | S N De Question No – 12-14

Very Short answer type questions | Exercise -3B

Differentiation (Part-34) | S N De Question No – 1, 2 ( i- v )
Differentiation (Part-35) | S N De Question No – 2 ( vi- xiii )
Differentiation (Part-36) | S N De Question No – 3
Differentiation (Part-37) | S N De Question No – 4-7
Differentiation (Part-38) | S N De Question No – 8-9

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