Circle | Part-8 | S N Dey

In the previous article , we discussed about 10 Long Answer Type Questions. In this article, we will discuss few more Long Answer type Questions from Chhaya Mathematics , Class 11 (S N De book ).

Circle, S N Dey Math Solution
Circle Related Long Answer Type Questions (11-20) | S N Dey Mathematics

11. Show that the circle ~x^2+y^2+6(x-y)+9=0~ touches the co-ordinate axes. Also find the equation of the circle which passes through the common points of intersection of the above circle and the straight line ~x-y+4=0~ and which also passes through the origin.


The equation of the given circle can be written as ~(x+3)^2+(y-3)^2=3^2 \rightarrow(1)

From ~(1),~ we get the centre of the circle ~(1)~ is ~(-3,3)~ and radius ~3~ unit.

Now, if ~x=0~, we get from the given equation of the circle,

~y^2-6y+9=0 \Rightarrow (y-3)^2=0 \Rightarrow y=3,3.

As we have just one point common between ~y-axis and circle, it means it touches
~y-axis at ~(0,3).

Similarly, if ~y=0~, we get from the given equation of the circle,

~x^2+6x+9=0 \Rightarrow (x+3)^2=0 \Rightarrow y=-3,-3.

As we have just one point common between ~x-axis and circle, it means it touches
~x-axis at ~(-3,0).

Hence, the given circle touches the two axes.

Now, the equation of the circle passing through the intersection of the given circle and the straight line ~x-y+4=0~ is

~(x^2+y^2+6x-6y+9)+k(x-y+4)=0 \rightarrow(2)

Since the circle ~(2)~ passes through the point ~(0,0)~, we get from ~(2),

9+k \times 4=0 \Rightarrow k=-\frac 94.

Hence, the equation of the circle is

x^2+y^2+6x-6y+9-\frac 94(x-y+4)=0 \\ \text{or,}~~ 4(x^2+y^2)+24x-24y+36-9x+9y-36=0  \\ \text{or,}~~4(x^2+y^2)+15(x-y)=0

12. A circle through the common points of the circles ~x^2+y^2-2x-4y+1=0~ and ~x^2+y^2+2x-6y+1=0~ has its centre on the line ~4y-7x-19=0.~ Find the centre and radius of the circle.


Any circle through the common points of the circles ~x^2+y^2-2x-4y+1=0~ and ~x^2+y^2+2x-6y+1=0~ can be written as

(x^2+y^2-2x-4y+1)+k(x^2+y^2+2x-6y+1)=0  \\ \text{or,}~~(1+k)x^2+(1+k)y^2-2(1+k)x-2y(2+3k)+(1+k)=0  \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2+y^2-2x-2y \left(\frac{2+3k}{1+k}\right)+1=0 \rightarrow(1)

Comparing ~(1)~ with ~x^2+y^2+2gx+2fy+c=0~, we get

2g=-2 \Rightarrow -g=1, \\~~ 2f=-2\left(\frac{2+3k}{1+k}\right) \Rightarrow -f=\frac{2+3k}{1+k},~~ c=1.

So, centre of the circle ~(1)~ is ~(-g,-f)=\left(1,\frac{2+3k}{1+k} \right)

Since the centre of the circle ~(1)~ lies on the line ~4y-7x-19=0~,

4\left(\frac{2+3k}{1+k} \right)-7 \times 1-19=0 \\ \text{or,}~~4(3k+2)-26(k+1)=0 \\ \text{or,}~~ 12k+8-26k-26=0 \\ \text{or,}~~-14k=18  \\ \text{or,}~~ k=-\frac{18}{14}=-\frac 97.

Hence, the centre of the circle ~(1)~

\left(1,\frac{2+3k}{1+k} \right)\\~~=\left(1,\frac{2+3(-9/7)}{1-9/7}\right)\\~~=\left(1,\frac{-13/7}{-2/7}\right)\\~~=\left(1,\frac{13}{2}\right)

Also, the radius of the circle is


13. The circle ~x^2+y^2+2x-4y-11=0~ and the line ~x-y+1=0~ intersect at ~A~ and ~B~ . Find the equation of the circle on ~AB~ as diameter.


The equation of the given straight line ~x-y+1=0 \rightarrow(1).

The equation of the given circle is ~x^2+y^2+2x-4y-11=0\rightarrow(2)

From ~(1)~ we get, ~x=y-1 \rightarrow(3)

From ~(2)~ and ~(3)~ we get,

(y-1)^2+y^2+2(y-1)-4y-11=0 \\ \text{or,}~~y^2-2y+1+2y-2-4y-11=0 \\ \text{or,}~~ 2y^2-4y-12=0\\ \text{or,}~~ 2(y^2-2y-6)=0  \\ \text{or,}~~ y^2-2y-6=0  \\ \text{or,}~~ (y-1)^2-7=0  \\ \text{or,}~~ y-1=\pm\sqrt{7} \\ \text{or,}~~ y=\pm\sqrt{7}+1 \rightarrow(4)

Now, by ~(3),~(4)~ we get for ~y=\sqrt{7}+1,~~x=\sqrt{7}+1-1=\sqrt{7}.

Similarly, for ~y=-\sqrt{7}+1,~~x=-\sqrt{7}+1-1=-\sqrt{7}.

\therefore~ A \equiv (\sqrt{7}, \sqrt{7}+1), ~~ B\equiv (-\sqrt{7},-\sqrt{7}+1).

So, the equation of the circle on ~AB~ as diameter is given by

(x-\sqrt{7})(x+\sqrt{7})+[y-(\sqrt{7}+1)][y-(-\sqrt{7}+1)]=0 \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2-(\sqrt{7})^2+[(y-1)-\sqrt{7}][(y-1)+\sqrt{7}]=0 \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2-7+(y-1)^2-(\sqrt{7})^2=0 \\  \text{or,}~~ x^2-7+y^2-2y+1-7=0 \\ \therefore x^2+y^2-2y-13=0.

14. Find the equation to the circle described on the common chord of the circles ~x^2+y^2-4x-2y-31=0~ and ~2x^2+2y^2-6x+8y-35=0~ as a diameter.


Two given equations of circles are

x^2+y^2-4x-2y-31=0~\rightarrow(1), \\ ~~ 2x^2+2y^2-6x+8y-35=0 \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2+y^2-3x+4y-35/2=0 \rightarrow(2).

So, by ~(2)-(1),~ we get the equation of common chord which is ~ x+6y+\frac{27}{2}=0 \rightarrow(3)

Equation of any circle through the intersection of two given circles are

x^2+y^2-4x-2y-31+k(x^2+y^2-3x+4y-35/2)=0 \rightarrow(4) \\ \text{or,}~~ x^2+y^2-x \cdot \frac{4+3k}{1+k}+2y \cdot \frac{2k-1}{1+k}-\frac{31+\frac{25}{2}k}{1+k}=0\rightarrow(5)

From ~(5),~ we get the centre of circle \left(\frac{4+3k}{2(k+1)},\frac{-2k+1}{k+1}\right)~ which lies on the common chord ~(3).

\text{So,}~~ \frac{4+3k}{2(k+1)} + 6 \times \frac{-2k+1}{k+1}+\frac{27}{2}=0 \\ \text{or,}~~ 4+3k+12(-2k+1)+27(k+1)=0 \\  \text{or,}~~ k=-\frac{43}{6}

Now, putting the value of ~k~ in ~(4),~ we get

x^2+y^2-4x-2y-31-\frac{43}{6}(x^2+y^2-3x+4y-35/2)=0 \\ \text{or,}~~ 2(x^2+y^2-4x-2y-31)-\frac{43}{6}(2x^2+2y^2-6x+8y-35)=0 \\  \text{or,}~~ 74(x^2+y^2)-210x+368y-1133=0.

15. Find the equation to the locus of the mid-points of chords drawn through the point ~(0,4)~ on the circle ~x^2+y^2=16.


Let ~AP~ be the chord passing through the point ~A(0,4).

Any point ~(P)~ on the circle ~x^2+y^2=16=4^2~ can be written as ~P(4\cos\theta,4\sin\theta).

If ~(h,k)~ is the co-ordinates of mid-point of ~AP~, then

h=\frac 12(4\cos\theta+0),~~k=\frac 12(4+4\sin\theta). \\ \therefore~~ \cos\theta=\frac h2,~~\sin\theta=\frac 12(k-2)\rightarrow(1).

Then from ~(1)~ we get,

\sin^2\theta+\cos^2\theta=1 \\ \text{or,}~~[\frac 12(k-2)]^2+(h/2)^2=1 \\ \text{or,}~~ h^2+(k-2)^2=4 \\ \text{or,}~~ h^2+k^2-4k+4=4 \\ \text{or,}~~ h^2+k^2=4k \rightarrow(2)

Hence, by ~(2),~ we can say that the equation to the locus of the mid-points of chords is ~x^2+y^2=4y.

16. A circle passes through the origin ~O~ and intersects the co-ordinate axes at ~A~ and ~B~ . If the length of the diameter of the circle be ~3c~ unit, then find the locus of the centroid of the triangle ~OAB.


Any circle passing through the origin can be written as ~x^2+y^2+2gx+2fy=0 \rightarrow(1).

Let ~A \equiv (a,0);~~B \equiv (0,b).

Since the circle ~(1)~ passes through the points ~A,B~ so

~a^2+2ga=0 \Rightarrow g=-a/2, ~\text{and}~b^2+2fb=0 \Rightarrow f=-b/2.

\therefore~ \sqrt{g^2+f^2}=\frac{3c}{2} \\ \text{or,}~\sqrt{(-a/2)^2+(-b/2)^2}=3c/2 \\ \text{or,}~~ \frac 12 \sqrt{a^2+b^2}=\frac 12 \times 3c \\  \text{or,}~~ \sqrt{a^2+b^2}=3c \rightarrow(2)

If ~(h,k)~ be the centroid of ~\Delta OAB~, then

~h=a/3,~~k=b/3 \rightarrow(3)

So, by ~(2),~(3)~ we get,

a^2+b^2=9c^2 \\ \text{or,}~~ (3h)^2+(3k)^2=9c^2 \\  \text{or,}~~ h^2+k^2=c^2.

\therefore~ the locus of the centroid of the triangle ~OAB~ is ~x^2+y^2=c^2.

17. Find the equation of a circle circumscribing the triangle whose sides are ~x=0,~y=0~ and ~lx+my=1. If ~l,m~ vary so that ~l^2+m^2=4l^2m^2~, find the locus of the centre of the circle.


18.Find the area of the equilateral triangle inscribed in the circle ~x^2+y^2+2gx+2fy+c=0.


The equation of the given circle is ~x^2+y^2+2gx+2fy+c=0 \rightarrow(1).

The centre of the circle ~(1)~ is ~(-g,-f)~ and radius ~(r)=\sqrt{g^2+f^2-c}.

Now, from the figure , we note that in ~\Delta ADC,

\cos 30^{\circ}=\frac{a/2}{r} \\  \text{or,}~~ \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}=\frac{a}{2r} \\ \text{or,}~~ a=\sqrt{3}r.

So, the area of the equilateral triangle inscribed in the circle is

=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4}a^2\\~~~=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} \cdot (\sqrt{3}r)^2 \\~~~=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} \cdot 3(g^2+f^2-c)\\~~~=\frac{3\sqrt{3}}{4}(g^2+f^2-c).

19. Find the area of the equilateral triangle inscribed in the circle ~x^2+y^2-4x+6y-3=0.


Comparing the given circle with the standard form of the circle ~x^2+y^2+2gx+2fy+c=0~ we get,

2g=-4 \Rightarrow g=-\frac 42=-2, ~~ 2f=6\Rightarrow f=3,~~ c=-3.

So, the radius ~(r)=\sqrt{g^2+f^2-c}=\sqrt{(-2)^2+3^2+3}=4~~\text{unit.}

Now, from the figure (\Delta ABC) we notice that

OB=r, ~~ \angle{OBM}=30^{\circ},~~ \angle{BOM}=60^{\circ}.

\text{Now,}~~ BM=OB\sin 60^{\circ}=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}r  \\ \therefore~ BM=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \times 4=2\sqrt{3}~\text{unit}.

So, the length ~(a)~ of the side of ~\Delta ABC~ is BC=2BM=2 \times 2\sqrt{3}=4\sqrt{3}~~\text{unit}.

So, the area of the equilateral triangle inscribed in the circle

=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} a^2\\=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} \times (4\sqrt{3})^2\\=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{4} \times 48\\=12\sqrt{3}~~\text{(sq. unit)}

20. Prove analytically that the straight line joining the middle point of a chord of a circle of a circle with the centre is perpendicular to the chord.


To prove : ~OC=AB.~~ Given that ~AC=CB.

From ~\Delta OAC~ and ~\Delta OBC~, we get

OA=OB,~OC=OC,~AC=CB ~~\text{(Given)}

\therefore~\Delta OAC \cong \Delta OBC~~(S-S-S)

\therefore~ \angle{OCA}=\angle{OCB}. \\~~\\~~ \text{Now,}~\angle{OCA}+\angle{OCB}=180^{\circ} \\~ \text{or,}~~2\angle{OCA}=180^{\circ} \\  \text{or,}~~\angle{OCA}=180^{\circ}/2=90^{\circ} \\ \therefore~\angle{OCA}=\angle{OCB}=90^{\circ}.

Hence, ~OC \perp AB.

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